Performance +
Performance hypnotherapy is gaining popularity and used to improve performance in all levels of sports. Golf is one of the most popular areas of interest, in which athletes use applied hypnosis techniques to help with their mechanics, focus, endurance etc. Performance hypnotherapy can also be used with many other individual and team sports.
It has been shown that repeated visualization in conjunction with hypnosis, such as hitting a golf ball perfectly is more effective than repeated physical practice of these skills. For this reason, professional athletes have long used hypnosis to “get in the zone”, as well as to maintain peak levels of performance during training and competitions. One can attain comparable levels of excellence by combining personal effort with hypnotically enhanced focus, calmness, and coordination.
+ Issues revolving around self confidence, habit/pattern change, disorders, issues with focusing, and elements that inhibit personal, mental and wellness improvement increasingly has popularized the use of clinical hypnosis as a remedy for such issues.
Dream it.
“Everyone had always told me to visualize shots, but I could never see the ball. We worked on a way to look at the target and pull it back into my hands and body, and (through hypnosis training) let my subconscious react. That’s what works best for me.” - Tiger Woods
Heal it.
One of the fundamental milestones of improving performance is overcoming mental blocks to progress one’s mental flow to achieve realistic and desirable objectives through goal setting.
Additional protocols and techniques applied to performance+ programming can include: visualization, as well as reinforcing self belief and motivation.
Grow it.
While identifying the origins of performance+, and rehabilitating mental health are important, the need to sustain the program’s positive changes are equally as crucial.
A deep dive into sustaining wellness driven lifestyle habits, as well as the inclusion of post-session self hypnosis practices and take-home therapeutic material will be introduced in accordance to the clinical program offerings.