Pain Management

Acute pain is short-term pain that serves to protect you and prevents more damage by changing your behavior. Some examples are pain because of an injury, surgery, or a toothache. Usually this pain goes away when the damaged part of your body heals or no longer needs protection, or the unpleasant stimulus has been removed.

Chronic pain (also called persistent pain) lasts longer than acute pain, typically for more than three months. People who live with chronic diseases often live with chronic pain. This type of pain does not necessarily mean that damage is occurring – even though it might feel that way. While chronic pain is not fully understood, we know that it is sometimes caused by a problem with one or more nerves and the way they send pain messages to the brain.

Some people with chronic pain also experience ‘pain sensitization,’ which is basically your body turning up the volume on your pain and distorting it. This often leads to a heightened sensitivity to pain and touch. 

- Arthritis Society of Canada


Dream it.

Women with breast cancer who received hypnotherapy experienced 50% less pain and had a 2X survival rate compared to a control group not receiving this treatment.

Sources: Spiegel, D. & Bloom, J.R. (1983b).”Group therapy and Hypnosis Reduce Metastatic Breast Carcinoma Pain.” Psychosomatic Medicine, 45, 333-339.

Heal it.

Some of the key strategies that can be employed in the management of pain include: physical and mental relaxation, sensory alteration, cognitive distraction and attentional diversion.

NOTE: Pain Management related sessions must be referred by a medical practitioner in the form of a doctor’s letter and/or referral.

Grow it.

While identifying the origins of pains and/or discomfort, and rehabilitating mental health are important, the need to sustain the program’s positive changes are equally as crucial.

A deep dive into sustaining wellness driven lifestyle habits, as well as the inclusion of post-session self hypnosis practices and take-home therapeutic material will be introduced in accordance to the clinical program offerings.